Friday, October 23, 2009

Pack of Australian Racists

Pack of Australian Racists

Do not hide behind mummy’s skirt and attack other people based on false and fabricated materials. I know your glorious leader John Howard taught you this trick as he applied the same trick with Dr. Mohamad Haneef and many other people.

Dr. Mohamad Haneef, Mamdouh Habib, David Hicks, … all are private individuals. If they commit the crime let them serve the time. However, no one should be guilty before even being charged! Unfortunately all of these people were tried by the media as are far too many people in this world. The media have been also crucifying all Muslims and Arabs because of these people’s alleged crimes! The presumption of innocence, fairness, notion of justice or any other cherished values disappeared over the horizon! Sadly, the litany of crimes of these peoples are not anywhere near that of Bush, Blair and Howard. Let’s just keep this all in perspective.

It appears many Israelis and their supporters around the world have been conducting their own Arab Israel wars from their bunkers around the world. These accusers do not need any evidence or so it appears! They are willing to create evidence, ignore evidence or any debate. They even have the power and ability, or so they believe, to make anyone guilty without the need for any evidence, whatsoever! Bat Yeor, Melanie Phillips, Prof. Raphael Israeli, Daniel Pipes and many more Zionists/"Jews/Israelis are borrowing entire chapters and verses from Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf, using Hitler’s tactics against Arabs and Muslims, all without impunity. Sadly, many gullible people follow them!

Ironically, Australia has been throwing itself into other peoples wars. This has occurred before and after WW1 and even to this day. None of those actions are in defense of Australia or beneficial for Australia. Recently, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd confirmed my stand and he said that Australia should buy 45 years old carcinogenic Abraham Tanks and other “bad boys’ toys” from USA instead of relying on “mother England” and “big brother”.

Indeed, even many of those wars are illegal and immoral. Most noticeably, the Australian government’s blind support of Israeli war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide against people of Palestine are shocking and beyond redemption.

I oppose and condemn violence. Be that initiated by an individual, group or a state! Violence is the preferred option for morally and politically bankrupt and wicked party such as Israel, USA and the Deputy Sheriff of the Pacific, Australian government!

Therefore based on this alleged and latest terrorist plot, no one should be inciting against Muslims and Arabs right now. Remember, we know nothing about these individuals and their crimes, their mental state, etc …. . Irritatingly, the modern day Joseph Goebbels, Australia’s own Rupert Murdoch managed to print the story even before the operation! The powers that be and the press knew in advance about all of this. The same predictable groups of people are now publicly jumping about and are now calling to have all Muslims heads on a platter for allegedly conspiring to kill Jesus at Jerusalem and his brother James at Rome. Is it Dr. Mohamad Haneef all over again?

Many non- Muslims and non-Arabs raped their own daughters and fathered children with their own daughters! Are you responsible for this Ross?

Pictured: Inside the cellar where father locked daughter for 24 years and repeatedly raped her, Victorian father 'raped daughter for 30 years' (Australia) and American who fathered his own daughter are only a few more examples.

The infamous Lebanese Rape Case attracted 60 300 entries! The so called Sydney Gang Rapes was more than a trail by media and contrary to Case Law and Statute Law. The outcome of this episode is racist if not intended. That’s why all racist people like Ross have been using this case against me or anyone of my predicament. Nonetheless, this anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment carefully conceived and nurtured by a very powerful and creative gang. However, their dirty game failed to protect many “white women” being raped by their own brothers and fathers! Surely, no one can blame the “Lebanese” and “Muslims” for these crimes!

Once again, the “Howard Mantra” to hate the migrants is not a solution. Ross, you are not my enemy and we are not supposed to be fighting against each others. You should be fighting against the taxi mafia. Many peoples’ good work including Sydney Morning Herald must not be wasted.

Israelis control America. Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and Iraq pullout would hurt Israel reconfirm the power of Israel and vulnerability of USA confirmed by The USA Under Israeli Feet because of American Enemies.

Therefore, Australian leaders who are sending their own children in other people wars and letting them die for nothing are worse than Shiekh Haron.

So Ross and Jimmy shut up and let me do my job.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Pack of Racists in Australia

Thanks for informing us. I think this time it is a bit late, isn't it? Anyway it was a good idea.

--- In, peesinbox@... wrote:


The new traffic managers secom have just organized and invited all taxi drivers to a barbecue this afternoon, I think its a great input which goes a long way into even improving the sometimes unstable relationships between kerbside managers and taxi drivers, however little it may seem it think it deserves recognition, so if its ok I would like to extend a thank you message to secom on behalf of the NSW TDA or better still the secretary do this officially.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Pack of Racists in Australia

Australian Values, Australian Culture, American Duty and Our Moral Rights are ignored by Morons & White Trash!

The Pack of Racists in Australia does not like Faruque Ahmed’s T-Shirt. However they love Australian Reporter, Australian Virgin (Muslim) and Islam and Muslim Bashing!

Jews are worse than cows.

Cow of Palestine: "One Cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland" Source: ....Izaak Greenbaum is a sad and bad statement by a Jewish leader. However, it is an offence to discuss this issue to! The Israelis and their supporters deliberately sabotage this debate!!

Similarly, Ben Gurion informed a meeting of Labor Zionists in Great Britain in 1938: "If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative." Ibid., p.149.

Zionism is worse than Nazism. The Sacred Cow is further proof.

Israeli holocaust in the occupied Palestine was conspired before Hitler’s holocaust.

Evidence 1 When Theodore Hertzl, the ideological founder of the Zionist movements in the 1890s, was asked what he proposed to do with the indigenous Palestinian population when his "state of the Jews" become a reality, he replied, "We will quietly spirit them across the boarder".

Source: Free America Now

Evidence 2 In 1923 Vladimir Jabotinsky, leading intellectual of the Zionist movement and father of the right wing of that movement,... wrote: "Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind an The Iron Wall , which the native population cannot breach." First published in Russian under the title O Zheleznoi Stene in Rassvyet, 4 November 1923. Source: The Iron Wall

Evidence 3 Joseph Weitz, the head of the Jewish Agency's colonization department, confirmed this in his 1940 diary. "It must be clear", he wrote, "that there is no room for both people's together in this country … not one (Arab) village, not one tribe should be left". Source: Free America Now

Again, the Israelis and their supporters must be the congenital enemies of free speech. That’s why they fight tooth and nail to prevent any discussion about these Zionist/Jewish barbaric plans!

Like all other Zionist/Jewish mindset, thee statements by Jews about Jews clearly expose the inhumane believes and practices of these people! They are ugly and inhumane. Yet, very few people are willing to stand up against them!

"Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world." - Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, page 18.

"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief...We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands." - Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.

"Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as captives, and will prostrate before it." - Isador Loeb, Le Probleme Juif.

----- Original Message -----
From: "rossnelson.unwired" <rossnelson@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:48 AM
Subject: [ozcabs] Re Zionist

> Why does the NSW Taxi Drivers Asc continue to allow a person of such low
> moral fibre and dubious sanity sully its name?

The reason being that no one else wants the job and do it unpaid, the good ones that were willing to do so, were burned out long time ago by the asinine stupidity of previous post Jools era. The ones that were around in the Jools era who left due to the fact they could not make a buck out of any TDA. Need I name names we all know who they were.

> Hey Jimmy. how many 'Faruques' have you got in your fire fighting mob?

Reply: None that I am aware of and guess what not one drives a cab here, they would last about a week, I cannot comment about night drivers as I do not know.

As to the fire fighting mob, they would have to give up their time for free, and even certain persons here in that do drive cabs here, would not give you the steam off their porridge unless you paid them.

> A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to
> growing
> anti-Semitism and sought to re-establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
> Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state
> of
> Israel.

Sorry not about to debate Zionism, that is not a topic for this list, I will leave that folly to people more bored than I and unlike some, yes I do have a life and a very busy one at that. I don't have time to play trivial pursuit. Those of you that are interested go do a search for the Protocols of Zion interesting reading but bull sh....published at the end of 1800 or Early 1900 by anti-semites. The likes of Mumblebrain or what ever Faruque calls himself would lap up that crap. I would rather read the Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons more beleivable and more to the point of possibility than the nonsense of Farouque.



--- In, "rossnelson.unwired" wrote: Re: Re Zionist

Well what do you know.

Another day another scumbag story.

A piece of stinking shit that calls himself "Shiek" something has been convicted of sending hate mail to the loved ones of Australian soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan.

This same turd once chained himself to a gate or fence at Parliament house demanding that his family be allowed into Australia. (Not sure how many wives he wanted to come here.)

Faruque Ahmed who holds some executive role with the NSW Taxi Drivers Asc has been sending me his usual fractured English loony tunes hate mail (with fake names of course) since my 'Zionist' post.

Apparently he supports the Ibrahim crime brothers, the Skaf rapists, the terrorist plotters, the World Square mass murderers and no doubt Shiek Scumbag ,the dead soldier's parents and wives hate mailer. To point out the obvious racial and religious connection is a greater crime than the rapes and murders, in the twisted excuse for Ahmed's mind.

Why does the NSW Taxi Drivers Asc continue to allow a person of such low moral fibre and dubious sanity sully its name?

Hey Jimmy. how many 'Faruques' have you got in your fire fighting mob?



A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

(nothing about swastikas and gas chambers there)



--- In, gastaxi@... wrote:

Re: [ozcabs] Zionist

Well said. Please wear your poppy with pride. I am ever thankfull to your country and the rest of the Commenwealth(Empire) in all our wars.


--- In, "mamubhi" wrote:

Re: Jimmy again

Are you displaying your Anglo-Saxon intelligence and integrity or your new found knowledge of Bangkok red light district?

--- On Mon, 19/10/09, rossnelson.unwired wrote:

From: rossnelson.unwired
Subject: RE: SMH starting to lose the plot
To: "'condemned Zionist Criminal'"
Date: Monday, 19 October, 2009, 13:32

Yet again you prove yourself to be a moron by pretending to be someone else.

Have another heart attack ant die cunt!

From: condemned Zionist Criminal [mailto:mamubhi@...]
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 5:34 PM To: rossnelson.unwired
Cc: Ayesha Ahmed; a Wahid; Boston Newsroom; gerald henderson; peer ackerman; Miami Newsroom
Subject: RE: SMH starting to lose the plot

Mr. Faruque Ahmed is a proven, dedicated and honest leader. On the other hand you are an arse licker and abject failure.

Your master is a self centered, selfish and stupid person as well as a serial bankrupt, professional fraud, ignorant and arrogant fool. Please do not compare yourself with Mr. Ahmed.

Mr. Ahmed is decent human being. You are a rotten and disgusting individual. You haven't achieved anything.

--- On Mon, 19/10/09, rossnelson.unwired wrote:

From: rossnelson.unwired
Subject: RE: SMH starting to lose the plot
To: "'mamubhi'"
Date: Monday, 19 October, 2009, 8:27


Everyone knows that you are a brain dead fuckwit… Why do you have to constantly prove it?

From: [] On Behalf Of mamubhi
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:53 PM
To: rossnelson.unwired
Subject: Re: SMH starting to lose the plot

Jimmy again

Thanks for asking.

I have wasted my time and found out:

1. Serial bankrupt Jools is not only professional fraud! He is also lacking knowledge and documentation about taxi industry.

2. This self centered and selfish person has been using taxi drivers' misfortune and misery to further his lust and greed.

3. Because he holds his committee meetings at the local toilet block and he is running a totally undemocratic and un-audited group, he can do what ever he wants.

4. Naturally, all of his ventures and misadventures are total failures i.e. Insurance Indemnity, Seat belt, Telecrap's driver bashing, SMH mafia exposure, etc. etc.

5. We got nothing common with him.

6. We must ignore Jimmy and do our own work.

May I also request committee members to keep up with postings and comment openly., "destodesperate" wrote: Jimmy has sent this to Forum.

Looks to me like another effort to divert NSW TDA membership. I would suggest that the committee follow the link and then comment as to whether this post from Jimmy should appear on Forum or not.

(always struggling to know how to deal with Jimmy & the ATDA)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jimmy PDA
Cc: mj@... Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:05 PM
Subject: Plate Release Proposals and Security Issues

Two documents have been posted to They are too lengthy to present here. For those that may be interested please view them at the above link.

For and Behalf of Michael Jools

(Please address any comments direct to Michael Jools @ mj@...
As at this stage it is a Sydney matter and will not impact on Country & Rural N.S.W. operators for quite some time as I understand it.)



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Australian Government


Australian Communications and Media Authority

Level 15, Tower 1, Darling Park

201 Sussex Street

Sydney NSW

PO Box Q500

Queen Victoria Building

NSW 1230

T +61 2 9334 7700

1800 226 667

F +61 2 9334 7799

1 4 October2009

Mr Faruque Ahmed

PO Box 349


ACMA reference: ACMA2009/2351 Investigation 2298

Dear Mr Ahmed

RE: complaint about overnight with Jim Bail broadcast by 2UE on l2 Aug 2009.

I refer to your complaint to the Australian communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) concerning the above matter.

The ACMA has decided to investigate your complaint against relevant provisions of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of -practice 2004.

The investigation may take several months, including preparation of a report and internal clearance.

You will be notified of the results of the investigation when it is finalised.

The ACMA usually publishes final investigation reports on its website and includes a summary in its monthly newsletter and Annual Report. A media release may also be issued. You need to be aware that some details of your complaint may receive publicity, regardless of whether a breach is found.

Yours Sincerely

Eileen Haley

Assistant Manager

Investigation Section

Faruque Ahmed

PO Box 349


Mobile: 041 091 4118


Ms. Eileen Haley

Assistant Manager, Investigation Section

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Level 15, Tower 1, Darling Park, 201 Sussex Street

T +61 2 9334 7700, 1800 226 667, F +61 2 9334 7799

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Your file reference: ACMA2009/8 C19648

Dear Ms. Haley

I have followed your advice and I have written to the 2UE station manager as required by the law. It appears to me, the station manger is more prejudicial than Jim Ball of that establishment! May be it is the station policy to incite against the Muslims and the Arabs based on obscure, false and fabricated information as well as not to report anything regarding Islam and the Arabs truthfully and accurately!!

Point of Contention # 1

Jim Ball of radio 2UE allowed a male caller to claim, “…it is written in Qur-an that the Jews are the children of apes and pigs …”, this was at approximately 12.37 am, 12th of August 2009 (and I am paraphrasing). Jim also agreed with him. He did so with excitement and he made further comments which added more fuel to the fire, he said, “That’s right, it is written in the Qur-an (.and again I am paraphrasing).

I then managed to contact his producer and with some difficulty. I then requested him to pass my message to Jim that:

1. He must let me know in which part of the Qur-an it says, “The Jews are children of apes and pigs”?

2. Should he fail to broadcast the source mentioned above, that he claimed was drawn from the Qur-an, then he must broadcast an apology for inciting hate against Muslims of many ethnic backgrounds, which includes myself.

Jim Ball neither told us in which part of Qur-an it is written, nor did he apologise for his ill-motivated and deliberate misquoting of Qur-an, which I believe is carefully calculated to incite against Muslims. Now his station manger is saying, “ …. I anticipate that there may be more than one interpretation of the content or meaning of those texts … “. Clearly, the station manager is supporting Jim Ball’s original stand with more anti-Islamic zeal. Yet, with extreme arrogance he did not bother to include one iota of evidence in support of his claim!

I therefore demand that the Radio 2UE and Jim Ball must quote the Qur-anic reference in support of their original and current claims. Failure to do so must attract a proper and meaningful deterrent from the ACMA.

The station manger also said, “I do not believe that Mr Ball's comments evoked such a strong reaction as hatred or contempt towards people of Muslim faith.” Again, it is not true.

Jim Ball has been using this trick to improve his ratings and to hurt Muslims and the Arabs for a long time. Upon request I will produce dozens of evidences in support of my claim. One school of thought also suggests that Jim Ball’s illegal and irrational anti-Muslim and anti-Arab style and his ability to get away with murder is one of the reasons behind hiring him by the radio 2UE in the first place. Please remember, the 2UE is the lowest ranking station now. You see Jim Ball’s counter broadcaster Stuart Boking used to work in Jim’s current slot. Poor Stuart used to receive phone calls and at the same time he used to talk on air unlike Jim Ball while he used to work in the 2GB! Jim Ball used to have all of the support team. Surprisingly, when Jim Ball joined at the 2UE, he found the support team unlike poor Stuart Boking who is much more professional, dedicated and decent than Jim Ball!

Obviously, all of the above suggest, Jim Ball is a favored person with an agenda! I am sure a proper inquiry can reveal those agenda items.

Point of Contention # 2

The station manger also said, “However, it certainly was not the aim of the program to incite hatred against Muslims or to generate disrespect towards the Muslim faith”. This statement is a blatant lie. I know for sure, Jim Ball have been inciting against the Muslims and Arabs for a long time. Again, I am willing to provide Jim Ball hate files for a proper examination.

Point of Contention # 3

The station manager wrote, “I cannot see how it could reflect badly on Muslims even if they did ask Bob Hawke to prevent Australian soldiers from wearing uniforms at home”. Really?! Is it true? Are you telling me that this false quote is not sufficient enough to incite against the Arabs and Muslims?

Point of Contention # 4

The 2UE station manager wrote, “If for example you are listening to Mr Ball's program and disagree with any of the sentiments expressed on air, I encourage you to call in to express a differing point of view". It is a proven lie! Jim Ball of 2UE or even formerly 2GB hardly provide air time to any dissenting voice. Manufacturing consent and opinion to incite against the Aboriginals, Arabs, Muslims and migrants is a Jim Ball trade mark. Generally speaking, after his deliberate and often prejudiced presentation, I have not heard many opposing views in Jim’s program.

In my case, Jim used to praise me. Even he said on air that his wife like my view points. However, since I went on to expose many Israeli wrong doings, he turned against me and Jim stopped giving me air time all together. Jim Ball has presented many false and fabricated version of Arab/Palestine conflict. Like a few people, I have attempted to correct him on those issues but he refused to give me any chance. Ironically, he gave me the right to call him “Mother Fucker” instead of debating with me!

Point of Contention # 5

“Unfortunately, time constraints do not allow us to put every caller to air. Radio 2UE endeavours to give as many listeners as possible the opportunity to express their views to a radio audience” of the 2UE manager is far from the truth. In many occasions the 2UE airtime was unused and some good people that I know managed to ring Jim Ball and they politely told him to tone down his rhetoric. Jim did cut them off instead of debating with them seriously. Upon requirement many of them are willing to testify to clear the air in this regard.

Point of Contention # 6

Again “It was never Mr Ball's intention to offend anyone of any race or religion” is a total lie. Jim Ball has been insulting Aboriginals, Arabs, Muslims and migrants with his famous (or infamous?) tricks and techniques. His websites are even worse! A careful examination of his webs will reveal more of his prejudice and bigotry. Even the famous Media Watch of the ABC is sick and tired of the Jim Ball filth!

Point of Contention # 7

“After careful review of the Broadcast, I feel sure that there was not a breach of the Code.” is nothing but a slap in the face of fairness, justice, decency, commonsense and any law I can think of including the, “…a broadcast that constitutes religious vilification within the meaning of the Code.”

Point of Contention # 8

“Radio 2UE endeavours to give as many listeners as possible the opportunity to express their views to a radio audience …” written by the 2UE Station Manager! It is unbelievable and untrue!!

I have been talking to Mr. John Carr of 2UE for a long time. I find him a reasonable person too. Since I made this complaint, Sunday morning, 20th of September 2009 (or may be the day before) I made a few attempts to talk to him. Three of my mobile calls were rejected, three more of my calls were put on hold to cost me money and the seventh one was responded with a laughter by a person (may be known to me) by saying, “Faruque I‘ll call you back if I can”. Eventually no one called me on that night! I am sure John won’t do this to me or many 2UE staffs won’t practice this type of cruelty unless they are instructed or forced by people in the higher echelon of that organisation.

I am sure, a proper Inquiry is the only way to go forward and I request you to do so at your earliest convenience. Should you require any further materials in this regard please feel free to call or write to me at your earliest opportunity.

With thanks.

Sincerely Yours

Faruque Ahmed

Radio2UE Pty Limited

ABN 93 000 796 887

Sydney, Level11170 pacific Highway, Greenwich

New South Wales 2065

PO Box 954, St Leonards

New South Wales 1590

Telephone 0299309954 Facsimile 02 9930 9479

9 September 2009

Mr Faruque Ahmed

PO Box 349

Alexandria NSW 2A15

Dear Mr. Ahmed,

Radio 2UE Overnight program - 12 August 2009

Thank you for your letter of 20 August 2009.

First of all, allow me to apologise that you were offended by comments made on 2UE's overnight program on 12 August 2009 (the "Broadcast"). Radio 2UE certainly does not set out to offend its listeners or members of the Muslim community.

I have investigated your concerns about the Broadcast. In doing so, I forwarded your correspondence on to Mr Ball, the presenter of 2UE's Overnight program, and discussed your concerns with him. I have also considered section 1.3(e) of the Commercial Radio Codes of Conduct ("Code") in respect to ethnic and religious vilification.

Section 1.3(e) of the Code provides that a licensee must not broadcast a program which is "likely to incite or perpetuate hatred against or vilify any person or group on the basis of age, ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, sexual preference, religion or physical or mental disability". This test in the Code sets a high threshold for the likely effect of prohibited behaviour that is that comments must induce a strong reaction of contempt or ridicule against a group of people to be regarded as I breach under section 1.3(e).

With all due respect, I do not believe that Mr Ball's comments evoked such a strong reaction as hatred or contempt towards people of Muslim faith. Mr Ball and his caller very briefly mentioned the Qur-an in the context of a discussion on television. As with any religious texts, I anticipate that there may be more than one interpretation of the content or meaning of those texts. Clearly you disagree with his view. However, it certainly was not the aim of the program to incite hatred against Muslims or to generate disrespect towards the Muslim faith. Furthermore, I cannot see how it could reflect badly on Muslims even if they did ask Bob Hawke to prevent Australian soldiers from wearing uniforms at home. Therefore, I do not believe that listeners would feel such severe emotions as hatred or contempt for Muslims as a result of this broadcast.

As you know, Radio 2UE operates a talkback radio format. I am sorry to hear that your friend did not get on to the program that night. Unfortunately, time constraints do not allow us to put every caller to air. Radio 2UE endeavours to give as many listeners as possible the opportunity to express their views to a radio audience. If for example you are listening to Mr Ball's program and disagree with any of the sentiments expressed on air, I encourage you to call in to express a differing point of view".

It was never Mr Ball's intention to offend anyone of any race or religion. I do however understand your point of view and the reasons why you wrote to us. The theme of the Broadcast was complex, and of a nature that generates different opinions. While Radio 2UE wishes never to offend any of its listeners, when some complicated topics are discussed, unfortunately, this can happen. lt is my understanding however that there is a significant difference between a broadcast that results in some finding offence and a broadcast that constitutes religious vilification within the meaning of the Code.

After careful review of the Broadcast, I feel sure that there was not a breach of the Code.

Radio 2UE values its listeners and their feedback. On behalf of the station and Mr Ball, I apologise for any offence caused by the Broadcast. Radio 2UE certainly does not set out to offend its listeners or any members of the community.

I hope that the above information addresses your concerns,

In accordance with the Commercial Radio Codes of Practice, I am required to advise you that in the event you are not satisfied with this response you have the right to refer the matter to the Australian Communications & Media Authority.

Yours sincerely

Greg Byrnes

Program Director

Faruque Ahmed

P O Box – 349

Alexandria, NSW – 2015

Mobile: 041 091 4118


Station Manager

Radio 2UE

Level 1, 170 Pacific Highway

Greenwich NSW 2065

Fax - 02 9930 9894

Subject: Jim Ball of your Radio 2UE (formerly a broadcaster on 2GB) Has Been Inciting against many Ethno Religious Communities in and from this Country

Dear Sir/Madam

Jim Ball of your radio 2UE allowed a male caller to claim, “…it is written in Qur-an that the Jews are the children of apes and pigs …”, this was at approximately 12.37 am, 12th of August 2009 (and I am paraphrasing). Jim also agreed with him. He did so with excitement and he made further comments which added more fuel to the fire, he said, “That’s right, it is written in the Qur-an (.and again I am paraphrasing).

I then managed to contact his producer and with some difficulty. I then requested him to pass my message to Jim that:

1. He must let me know in which part of the Qur-an it says, “The Jews are children of apes and pigs”?

2. Should he fail to broadcast the source mentioned above, that he claimed was drawn from the Qur-an, then he must broadcast an apology for inciting hate against Muslims of many ethnic backgrounds, which includes myself.

So far I have not heard from Jim Ball or your station.

At about 1.12 a.m. 12th of August 2009, Jim Ball allowed another caller to say, “…. People of the so called religion of peace wrote to the government in 1991 and as a result Bob Hawke and Kim Beazley stopped Australian soldiers wearing uniform in their own country, …. “ (and I am paraphrasing). Jim Ball has used this and many more totally false and fabricated claims and propaganda to incite against many ethnic groups of Islamic origin or background.

However, after the second incident mentioned above, I have requested his producer to pass the message that, whether Jim Ball provides the Qur-anic reference or apology, he must let me know if the latter occurs; so that I can hear that apology myself. His producer took my message. The producer, a person known to me as, ‘Tom’ later rang me, and after a short conversation he said, “Jim is looking for the reference and I will inform you if he broadcasts the reference or apology”.

This producer has my contact details such as my mobile phone number. I have not heard from this producer or anyone from 2UE, as of the date of this letter.

Naturally and as a consequence, many people I know were angry about Jim Ball’s deliberate incitement, prejudice and his bigotry continuum. Many people are also very upset about his point blank refusal to allow a right of reply.

After 3.00 a.m. an Arab Christian, who has a fairly good knowledge about the Bible and the Qur-an rang up the Jim Ball program to clear the air and to clarify the position about the issue Jim Ball had allowed to be aired and on which Jim Ball, himself had made comment on. Alas! After a fiery exchange with the producer, he was refused to put his valid point of view and to be allowed to go on air.

Jim Ball has been manufacturing consent and negative opinion on the subjects of ethnics, migrants, Muslims and Aboriginals. In addition he has been inciting against ethnic groups of Islamic origin based on totally false and fabricated reasons and grounds. He also refuses to provide any right of reply. An example of this denial of the right of reply is described above.

It is important to note that Jim Ball, formerly of 2GB, was forced to forward an apology, that was recently, read out on 2GB’s David Oldfield program. This was read out by David Oldfield on behalf of 2GB’s management in relation to Jim Ball’s earlier comments when he was with that radio station. David made this apology, as described while I was talking to him on air.

I also advise the well known program, Media Watch of ABC exposed Jim Ball’s prejudice and bigotry a number of times. I provide examples of such comments by Media Watch below.

1. Usual Jim Ball lies

Muslim bashing based on totally false and engineered facts

Collecting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stories from corrupt and Zionist sources. Then doctor those items to make them worse and then broadcast and web them to incite against others

I therefore request of you:

1. To stop Jim Ball and your own radio 2UE from inciting against all ethno religious communities that belongs or are linked to the Islamic religion.

2. To take appropriate steps to stop your own radio 2UE and Jim Ball from inciting against all ethno religious communities which belong to, or are linked with, the Islamic religion on his radio program and on his website(s).

With thanks.

Sincerely yours

Faruque Ahmed

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Australian Government


Australian Communications and Media Authority

Level 15, Tower 1, Darling Park

201 Sussex Street

Sydney NSW

PO Box Q500

Queen Victoria Building

NSW 1230

T +61 2 9334 7700

1800 226 667

F +61 2 9334 7799

1 7 August 2009

Mr Faruque Ahmed

PO Box 349


ACMA file reference: ACMA2009/8


Dear Mr. Ahmed

Thank you for your letter received by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) on 13 August 2009, regarding your concerns about Overnights with Jim Ball broadcast by 2UE. You mentioned a broadcast on 12 August 2009 in particular.

The ACMA is the Commonwealth body responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the internet, radio communications and Telecommunications. However, under the co-regulatory regime established by the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, broadcasters themselves have primary responsibility for the material they broadcast. As such, complaints must be made first to the broadcaster concerned if the matter complained of is covered by an industry code of practice.

In the present case, the matters you have complained about in relation to the content of the program are covered by the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2004 (copy enclosed) and in that respect I refer you to clauses 1 .3(e) and 2.2(a) of the code. (Other clauses of the code may also be relevant; please see below.) Accordingly, your complaint must be first made to 2UE.

I note that you have sent a copy of your letter to the ACMA to 2UE; however, in order to meet the definition of a complaint at clause 5.2 of the code, your complaint should be addressed directly to 2UE. lf you are not satisfied with 2UE's response, or if you do not receive a response from 2UE within 60 days, you may then refer the matter to the ACMA. lf you want the ACMA to investigate your complaint under these circumstances, could you please provide us with a copy of all correspondence between you and 2UE. I enclose a brochure with further information about the broadcasting complaints process and the ACMA's role in it.

Please note that complaints to 2UE must be made by letter or fax and that 2UE is not obliged to respond to complaints made more than 30 days after the date of the broadcast which is the subject of the complaint.

2UE's postal address is as follows:


Level 1

170 Pacific Highway

Greenwich NSW 2065

Fax - 02 9930 9894

In your letter, you mention your telephone conversations with the program producer. Under clause 5.5 of the code, listeners who telephone a station alleging a breach of the code, and who wish to make a complaint, must be asked to make the complaint in writing. lf this did not happen when you rang, you should mention this in your complaint to 2UE. Please note, however, that commercial radio licensees are not obliged to respond to telephone complaints or pass telephone complaints on to program presenters for attention.

You also mention a caller who rang and was not allowed to speak on air. Commercial radio licensees are not obliged to put all callers to air. However, licensees in presenting current affairs programs must ensure that:

reasonable efforts are made to correct substantial errors of fact at the earliest possible opportunity (clause 2.2(a)) and reasonable efforts are made or reasonable opportunities are given to present significant viewpoints when dealing with controversial issues of public importance, either within the same program or similar programs, while the issue has immediate relevance to the community (clause 2.2(c)).

If you consider that either or both of these requirements were not met, you may include the matter in your complaint to 2UE.

I hope this information is of assistance.

Yours Sincerely

Eileen Haley

Assistant Manager

Investigation Section


Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2004

ACMA brochure: Complaints about television and radio content

Faruque Ahmed

P O Box – 349

Alexandria, NSW – 2015

Mobile: 041 091 4118


Complaints Officer

Australian Media and Communication Authority

Level 15, Tower 1 Darling Park, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q500, Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230

Tel: 02 9334 7700, Fax – 02 9334 7799

CC to: Station Manager, Radio 2UE

Subject: Jim Ball of Radio 2UE (formerly a broadcaster on 2GB) Has Been Inciting against Many Ethno Religious Communities of This Country

Dear Sir/Madam

Jim Ball of radio 2UE allowed a male caller to claim, “it is written in Qur-an that the Jews are the children of apes and pigs” at approximately 12.37 am, 12th of August 2009 (and I am paraphrasing). Jim also agreed with him, with excitement as he made further comments which added more fuel to the fire, he said, “That’s right, it is written in the Qur-an (.and again I am paraphrasing).

I then managed to contact his producer and with some difficulty. I then requested him to pass my message to Jim that:

1. He must let me know in which part of the Qur-an it says, “The Jews are children of apes and pigs”?

2. Should he fail to broadcast the source mentioned above, that he claimed was drawn from the Qur-an, then he must broadcast an apology for inciting hate against Muslims of many ethnic backgrounds, which includes myself.

So far I have not heard from Jim Ball or 2UE.

At about 1.12 a.m. 12th of August 2009, Jim Ball allowed another caller to say, “…. People of the so called religion of peace wrote to the government in 1991 and as a result Bob Hawke and Kim Beazley stopped Australian soldiers wearing uniform in their own country, …. “ (and I am paraphrasing). Jim Ball has used this and many more totally false and fabricated claims and propaganda to incite against many ethnic groups of Islamic origin or background.

However, after the second incident mentioned above, I have requested his producer to pass the message that, whether Jim Ball provides the Qur-anic reference or apology, he must let me know if the latter occurs; so that I can hear that apology myself. His producer took my message. The producer, a person known to me as, ‘Tom’ later rang me, and after a short conversation he said, “Jim is looking for the reference and I will inform you if he broadcasts the reference or apology”.

This producer has my contact details such as my mobile phone number. I have not heard from this producer or anyone from 2UE, as of the date of this letter.

Naturally and as a consequence many people I know were angry about Jim Ball’s deliberate incitement, prejudice and his bigotry continuum. Many people are also very upset about his point blank refusal to allow a right of reply.

After 3.00 a.m. an Arab Christian, who has a fairly good knowledge about the Bible and the Qur-an rang up the Jim Ball program to clear the air and to clarify the position about the issue Jim Ball had allowed to be aired and on which Jim Ball, himself had made comment on. Alas! After a fiery exchange with the producer, he was refused to put his valid point of view and to be allowed to go on air.

Jim Ball has been manufacturing consent and opinion on the subjects of ethnics, migrants, Muslims and Aboriginals. In addition he has been inciting against ethnic groups of Islamic origin based on totally false and fabricated reasons and grounds. He also refuses to provide any right of reply. An example of this denial of the right of reply is described above.

It is important to note that Jim Ball, formerly of 2GB, was forced to forward an apology, that was recently, read out on 2GB’s David Oldfield program. This was read out by David Oldfield on behalf of 2GB’s management in relation to Jim Ball’s earlier comments when he was with that radio station. David made this apology, as described while I was talking to him on air.

I also advise the well known program, Media Watch of ABC exposed Jim Ball’s prejudice and bigotry a number of times. I provide examples of such comments by Media Watch below.

Usual Jim Ball lies.

Muslim bashing based on totally false and engineered facts

Collecting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stories from corrupt and Zionist sources. Then doctor those items to make them worse and then broadcast and web them to incite against others

I therefore request you:

1. To stop Jim Ball and radio 2UE from inciting against all ethno religious communities that belongs or are linked to the Islamic religion.

2. To take appropriate action against radio 2UE and Jim Ball for inciting against all ethno religious communities which belong to or are linked with the Islamic religion on his radio program and on his website(s).

With thanks.

Sincerely yours

Faruque Ahmed

August 12 2009